Parliament’s Monsoon Session began on Monday, with the Rajya Sabha holding a discussion on the Kashmir unrest issue. The next few days are expected to be stormy over a host of issues, including the Supreme Court verdict on Arunachal Pradesh, the Central government’s move on Uniform Civil Code and India’s failure to secure NSG membership.
Latest Updates
18:07 PM
CM Mufti and I discussed on how to start dialogue with civilians of Kashmir: Rajnath
18:05 PM
It’s name is Pakistan but its actions are ‘napaak’, says Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh
18:01 PM
What happened in Kashmir is extremely condemnable. We communicated to J&K CM to show maximum restraint: Rajnath
17:59 PM
Forces have been told to use non-lethal weapons in Kashmir: Rajnath Singh in Rajya Sabha
17:59 PM
We are ready to send medical specialists to Kashmir: Rajnath
17:55 PM
We will use force on militants and sympathy on civilians: Rajnath Singh
17:54 PM
Kehne ko to woh Pakistan hai, lekin uski har harkat na-pak hai: Rajnath
17:50 PM
We will do everything to normalise situation in Jammu and Kashmir: Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh in Rajya Sabha
17:49 PM
Everything which is happening is Pakistan sponsored: Rajnath
17:49 PM
Pakistan is playing a dirty game in Kashmir: Rajnath